Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Houston, We Have a Problem

George: 14 months old, kind of a "runt" size-wise (let's just say, he doesn't look big enough to be walking, according to the majority of people who comment about it...when he goes pro, people will think he looks too small to be dunking, too), and, apparently, has Spider-man-type tendencies.


As you may know, the morning nap is becoming somewhat of a joke. Sometimes he takes it, sometimes he sings, plays, or causes any trouble he can find within the vicinity of the crib walls (or just outside the vicinity, as the case may be).

This morning, I put him down, because he was acting tired...and I made sure there wasn't anything sitting on the dresser or changing table he could reach. He chose to sing and play with his blankets and wander around the crib for 45 minutes, at which time I considered getting him out, but then thought, "No, I will leave him in there while I take my shower because at least I know he can't get hurt in his crib" (unless he's hidden a steak knife under the blankets, which, at this point, would not be surprising).

So I took my shower.

You know how sometimes the Spirit says things to you like, "you'd better get out of the shower because he is climbing out of his crib and you'd better make sure he is ok," and then you think "no, there is no way he can climb out of his crib, he is too young/small--why did I even think that weird idea?" (Anyway, the water in the shower is warm, so you stay in just a bit longer.) And then you hear a "thud" or "slam" and you think, "did The Dad just come in the house?" And then you suddenly feel compelled to get out of the shower because the "he's climbing out of his crib" comes back to your mind? And though you are still thinking, "there is no way," you put a towel around you and run down the hall naked. And as you approach the baby's room, you hear crying and banging that doesn't sound like it is coming from where the crib is in the room? In fact, it sounds like it is coming from RIGHT BEHIND THE DOOR TO THE ROOM? And when you open the door, there is a little, tiny baby in feetie pajamas standing there with a giant "I'm a big guy now, Mom" smile on his face, but also tears in his eyes and on his cheeks because he was crying to get out of the room and, possibly, because the drop to the floor was a bit scarier than anticipated?

You know how that happens sometimes? Well, that is what happened to me this morning.

Listening and promptly obeying the Spirit...I'm still in training, though getting better.

Luckily, we can move the mattress in the crib one more level down. That will be happening today.

P.S. Here is what the crib looked like the other day after "naptime:"
The Perp-evidence in hand:

And here is later that day, when he managed to reach the box of needles, thread and pompoms I had sitting on my dresser:

And earlier that day: demonstrating what he likes to do with clothing. It ranges from tiny socks to large shirts, but most of the time it ends up being Ted's underwear (which we really need a picture of) because Ted's laundry shelf is right at George's level. He wanders around, "wearing" it, as he goes about his other tasks.

I think he thinks he is getting himself dressed, because he knows that when a person gets dressed, he puts things over his head to get them on.

1 comment:

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

cute-he looks a lot like pictures of dad when he was little! Love, bean