Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I put George down for a nap about an hour ago. After 45 minutes of singing, talking, and mild protest crying, it is finally quiet. I turned on the baby monitor screen, just to confirm that he was asleep.

Um...he is sitting in his bed, pulling tissues, one by one, out of a box (not sure how he reached the box on the dresser--we'll have to look in to that one), and then, for good measure, he is tearing each tissue into tiny pieces.

I don't even know how to begin to score that one...how many tissues are in a box?

Mom: 1 (I got a shower)
Baby: 250 + whatever he tore into pieces?

I will be sure to snap a photo of the state of the crib...

1 comment:

Nessa Burt said...

Ha ha ha ha, that baby sure is funny!! I loved the video of his path of destruction!! I thought Tankers was bad, he is easy compared to baby tay. Probably because he has an older sister who does everything for him or prevents him from doing anything naughty. Just a thought. I think baby Tay and Tankers are going to be very naughty buddies :)