Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Me, trying to figure out what the awful stench was that lingered in certain rooms--specifically, rooms the 9 year old boy had been in--a stench that got worse in close proximity to him: "son, what is that smell--is it your socks?"

Boy, with a big smile on his face: "yep!"

Me: "Buddy, you need to go change your socks!"

And then, realization dawned, because there was no way that smell could come from one day of wear...

Me: "dude, are those the same socks you wore yesterday?!?!?"

Boy, with the same big smile: "yep! And the day before that!"

Yes, three days in the same socks seemed to match what I was smelling.

I told him to go wash his feet in soapy water, and then put on CLEAN socks. And I thought long and hard about whether I should have him just throw the nasty socks away...

I love boys. It's all about convenience with them.


AllisonK said...

loved this!!! So typical as I'm learning. Bathing everyday is such a waste of effort around here.

Tammy and Alvin said...

At first I thought you were going to say that he needed to start wearing deodorant. But he's not that old yet, right?! My second guess was underwear, so be grateful it was just socks! And I'm sure he was thinking of all the laundry he was saving you. :)