Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There is nothing cuter

than the back of a sleeping baby's tiny head.
...except for maybe the front of a sleeping baby's tiny head.

Now that George is no longer being a "hard" baby, I will (hopefully) be able to catch up and post some older photos/events. The above pics are from when he was a month old.


Anon said...

He is so beautiful Sher. It kind of makes me want another one. And I LOVE his name!!

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

I don't get the "nothing cutler" title thing... please help me to understand! Love, Bean

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

Oh wait, I get it now... I saw the rest... I don't know why it didn't register before what you meant...

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

Notice the time difference, it didn't take long :P

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

OH! It says CUTER! I thought it said CUTLER the whole time! Wow, and Dad had to tell me! Love, Bean-I don't know how I could have gotten it with "cutler" a second ago, I looked kind of fast when I looked again and thought I got it. Love, Bean :)