Tuesday, February 23, 2010

About the Name

So Big Brother, who is 8, wanted to name our baby something extremely awesome: George Washington. Really, who wouldn't want to be named "George Washington," after one of the coolest people of all time?

The reason this name even came up is the fact that I have an ancestor named George Washington Taggart (whose parents, George Washington Taggart and I Can't Remember, also knew about the cool-ness of being named after the good President).

Big Brother thought it would be perfect on both counts--after an amazing ancestor (who GW Taggart truly was) AND an amazing President! He lobbied and lobbied for the name. He told other people of his wishes and told them that his parents weren't listening to him, and that we didn't believe he was serious (actually, we DID believe he was serious...).

We had a few reservations (besides the obvious).

One of which was that if the whole name, "George Washington," is not used when written, it may be written "George W." We did not wish people to think that he was named after "President Before Obama-Care." Not that we want to get into political talk on this blog--that is for PTP's blog which can be found HERE. I'm just saying that for various reasons, we didn't want our baby's name origin to be linked to anyone but GW Taggart or GWashington himself.

But now that we have named him something other than George Washington, two things have happened:
1) He still gets called "George."
2) I'm starting to think Big Brother may have been right--Seriously, when you can be called "Gee Dub?" Who wouldn't want the name? Yeah!

1 comment:

Tammy and Alvin said...

That's awesome! On my Dad's side there are 3 generations of George Washington Brays. I'm ashamed to admit that I had to go look in a past email to remember the actual name of your cute boy. Has he been blessed yet? Just wondered if Paul might consider pulling an Uncle Stewart and making George official.