Wednesday, February 03, 2010


I now have a bunch of "hair followers." Because of this, I have been encouraged by multiple people to place the "new 'do" on the blog.

By the time all of the comments, emails, and calls came in, the vote (not that I was calling for one, but you know how humans are) was more split than I thought it was going to be. It was about 1/3 for keeping the hairstyle, and 2/3 for changing it. I couldn't believe that some people liked it on me.

Here is the weird thing: I watched the Miss America pageant, and guess what? NUMEROUS girls had my weird "C" haircut. WHAT? Little did I know, the look was coming back. (Brooke: hat's off to you for knowing this before I did-you fashionista, you. No wonder you always look like a million bucks.)

The main difference between these girls and me was that their hair is a lot longer. The length makes a huge difference, in my mind. The cut didn't look as strange on them. The other difference between them and me? They are all young, and have non-wrinkly faces. Oh, and they don't have "mommy bodies." ...And they all own evening gowns. O.K., so there are many, many differences. Whatever.

Alright, enough stalling! Drumroll please...

Can I just mention that Photobooth takes the most flattering pictures! If there is a wrinkle, blemish, spot, or weird angle to be seen, Photobooth will be sure to enhance those features for you. I'm beginning to think Photobooth was a huge part of my hair problem...

One more thing. It feels strange, sitting in my house, taking photos of myself.

Here is the new cut. (And if I happen to look drunk or weird in the photos, and also really, really old, what can I say? I'm totally sleep deprived these days...not that that explains the old-ness):

Still wet...

Dry with a clippie:


Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

I have an AWESOME messy kitchen in the background. Go, ME!

Anon said...

Oh my gosh, I love it!! If my face wasnt chubby I would go cute my hair that short right now.

AllisonK said...

Darling cut!!

Maria said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

Absolutely darling. I wish I could be that cute after just having a beautiful boy. You are amazing.

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

Mom, you look JUST FINE! What is all this talk of Ms. America. Photo Booth does not make you look old. Love, Bean.

Brett and Lex said...

Cute, Sher!!! I like it! You are so beautiful! Those Miss America chicks have nothin' on ya!

Karolyn said...

I love your new haircut. It looks fantastic.

beba said...

sher. you are cute. i like the curly hair.

beba said...

yes sher you look ancient. that is why on occasion you get mistaken for my younger sister.


Unknown said...

Okay, I love it!

I would have voted for no change BUT you are one of those people that pulls off a short cut in the CUTEST way. It's because you have such great bone structure. I'm jealous.

yoga girl said...

Sher, waaaaay better. Although I did like being a sister to a charlie's angel. even photo booth made you cute this time. :)

Neal said...

Sher...I don't think you put enough pictures of yourself on this one.

I like the do...but a Mohawk would be tons sweeter.