For some unknown reason, over the years, Halloween (which was really never that big of a deal to me) has become a highly celebrated holiday around our house...meaning celebrated over many days.
Actually we know the reason: Brent.
Paul's friend started a yearly Halloween party seven years ago (costumes required). He sold his house two years (or so) in. The party migrated here. We now host the annual "Monster Mash" for all sorts of people--friends & people we don't know. People could be coming in off the street and we wouldn't know the difference. This year we had 40.

Sadly, we don't have photos of Paul or me in our costumes: McCain and Pallin. I had one person tell me I should do impersonations of Sarah Pallin. Not because I look like Sarah Pallin, mind you, but because, apparently, I "look like the girl who does the impersonations of Sarah Pallin." I found out that that would be Tina Fey. Hmmmm. Tina Fey.
Paul was made Elder's Quorum President three years ago. Now we have an annual "Monster Mash" for the Elder's Quorum the night before the real "Monster Mash." (Reason: as long as we are going to all the work for the "Monster Mash," why not go to MORE work?)
The kids think that if the adults are going to have all this fun on a holiday that is meant for kids, they should have a "Monster Mash" too. This year we had a kids "Monster Mash" at my parents' house. My sister and I tried out this cute treat. Note, don't try it with real caramel...we did. It doesn't work. Do try it with all sorts of candy chips.
Thanks for a great time, Mom and Dad!
Then the real Halloween rolls around and we have to celebrate that, right?
(I know, I know...many of the original C-family are saying, "no you don't--we did not allow our children to trick or treat, and look how great they turned out?" I say, yeah, they turned out great--except for the emotional scarring that they are now dealing with. How do I know they are dealing with emotional scarring? One of those former non-trick or treating children lived here in the complex with his wife and two kids. Believe me, I have heard about it and heard about it. Luckily, he married a pagan wife who said she intends to fix things so their children don't have the same problems.)
(I also live with one of the original C-fam who was not allowed to trick or treat. He snuck out once and trick-or-treated, and did not end up in prison, thank goodness. His emotional scarring is mainly centered around the severe guilt he feels when he allows his children to trick or treat.)
Anyway, we celebrate the real Halloween around here. We went to my sister's and made these very cute mummy hot dogs, that actually taste even better than hot dogs do when in a bun. We had a delicious dinner and then the fun Seattle Aunt and Uncle, along with the fun Kaysville Uncle, took the kids trick or treating. AAAAHHHH! The guilt, the guilt! No matter. This just adds to the scary-ness of Halloween for Paul.
The cast of characters:

Who is that? Clues, anyone?

A tad morbid, don't you think? If this child wasn't a cute, well-rounded, kind, caring individual, I'd be very worried. Imagine my surprise one day as I went into her room to put something away and I found various "body parts" all over. A head here, a torso and foot there. It was a little un-nerving. The parts did come together well, though, I guess.
Before we went to my sister's house for Halloween night, the cousins came here and played in our many leaves. There are few things better than a good leaf pile.
Cool dudes. That Tennesse Aunt & Uncle wish they could have been there too, for each and every festivity.
I googled Tina Fey. I don't look anything like Tina Fey.
Well, it seems like you've had no problem replacing us. That sure didn't take long.
And yes, I did take the kids trick-or-treating, since Derrick was in California and couldn't do anything about it.
I kind of liked the C-family no trick or treating rule. My parents in order to ensure that we remained unscarred bribed us by taking us out to dinner and a movie.
I kind of liked the C-family no trick or treating rule. My parents in order to ensure that we remained unscarred bribed us by taking us out to dinner and a movie.
Maria--I'm glad you made it through unscathed! You must have amazing parents :).
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