Thursday, November 06, 2008


Help Mommy Out

Our fridge door is smooth so that we can write on it with white-board markers. I like to put the kids jobs, schedule, etc. on there. Rebekah took it upon herself to put an inspiring "weekly scripture" (Genesis 40:12) on it as well as the menu for the week. She also put some other "ideas" up for the kids. The best part is where it says:

"Help Mommy out--let's SWAT her dead."

If I didn't happen to know that SWAT around here means Service Without A Trace (doing a kind deed without the person knowing), I would have to assume that the kids have finally realized my pitiful situation, and assessed that the best way to help me would be to swat me dead.

The Big Screen

Today I had the opportunity to go to my son's 1st grade class and teach about Stan and Jan Berenstain and read some of the all time great books written about the Berenstain Bears.

I love first graders. They are hilarious and full of information not pertaining to what they are supposed to be focusing on at the time.

Case in point--after I had read the last book (and fought through all sorts of random comments), the teacher was trying to have the children tell me "thanks for coming, etc.", but there was this one little boy with his hand in the air so high and leaning toward me so far (about to fall off his chair), that I knew I'd better "call on him" and avert disaster:

Me: Did you have something you wanted to ask me?
Him: Yes. I saw you in a movie once, but you were wearing different clothes.
Me (taken aback): Really?
Him: yep.
Me (trying to discern whether I should be flattered or not): Which movie was it?
Him: I don't remember.
Me: Ahhh.
Teacher: O.K. everyone, let's tell Mrs. Cutler "thank you" one more time...


Alyosha said...

I'm so curious which movie it was!

Super Pi said...

I know what that's like. Middle school students are only slightly better about staying on task. Most have just as many side tracks to take you on and confuse everyone.

beba said...

I knew you looked familiar....