Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Resolution by the Senate for the President to "proclaim a national day of prayer and fasting?"

I had the opportunity to learn about Abraham Lincoln while I was at Education Week. What an amazing, amazing, God-fearing man.

He called on our country, multiple times, to repent and remember God--remember that He is the one who blesses us--He is the one who has made the country great and prosperous. Not ourselves. As Pres. Lincoln put it: "we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!"

I hope that President Obama, as he speaks to the children at school today--without bogging them down with the messy details--they don't need to know about all of that--they need to be children and to believe that this country is wonderful place (which it is);

I hope he simply tells them to pray to God for this country and for the leaders of this country. I hope he tells them that he, and the other leaders, needs their faith to make good decisions for the people of this country. I hope he tells them to go home and tell their parents to remember God and pray for the leaders of this country--that he needs their faith as well.

Since it is a school setting, he probably won't. Separation of church and state and all...but I'm still going to ask them about what he said, and hope. And pray a little harder.

You can read one of Pres. Lincoln's repentance speeches here.

1 comment:

Ice-Cold Goat's Milk said...

I realize other presidents have called for prayer. I don't know that any other president has called the people to repentance and blamed problems on our lack of remembrance and humility though.