Monday, November 08, 2010

Things I have learned over the past few months:

1-if your husband upgrades from an iphone 3 to a 3GS, you will get an iPhone too--an old 3, but you won't care.

2-if your husband upgrades from an iPhone 3GS to an iPhone 4, you will get an old 3GS, but you won't care!

3-if you get an iPhone 3GS, your kids will get an old, deactivated iPhone 3 that they can play on sometimes.

4-if you put an iPhone 3GS (that you just got a week prior) in a cooler that has ice in it, the 3GS will fall into the ice water--even if you set it on something not submerged in the ice water.

5-ice water in an iPhone 3GS will permanently ruin it.

6-ruining your iPhone 3GS in the ice-water-manner will not get you a new iPhone 4.

7-it will get to relegated back to an iphone 3.

8-if you get relegated back to a 3, your kids will no longer have an old deactivated iPhone 3 they can play on sometimes.

9-you won't care about either of these developments, because a) anyone dumb enough to set their phone INSIDE a cooler with ice in it, does not deserve a new iPhone 4...she probably doesn't deserve the iphone 3 back. And b) kids don't need expensive phones to play on.

10-if enough time goes by, and your birthday is coming up, and your son has been working his tail off, trying to earn an iPod (and finally does) your husband will devise a plan to kill two birds with one stone...

11-you will receive an iPhone 4 for your birthday, and your son will receive an old iPhone 3 to use as an iPod.

12-you will feel guilty because you probably still don't deserve it, but your husband won't care.

13-well, maybe he cares a little because he says as he gives it to you "you may have this if you don't set it right on the edge of the tub when you are taking a bath, like you did last night."

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