Finally...I suppose it is time for me to put in an initial entry. This blog will be about random things--I'm not good with having one specific theme to talk about--those who know me will concur with this.
Does anyone know why little girls prefer to jabber on and on and on and on where as little boys seem to come out of the womb equipped to make sound effects? My girls keep telling (read: jabber on and on) me that they are getting tired of my son constantly making sound effects. He doesn't just walk around the house--he is either running (making "running" sound effects) or posing like he is about to karate chop someone (complete with the martial arts sound effects), or jumping (jumping sound effects), or...well, you get the picture. Also, when playing with toys, the girls make the inanimate objects "talk," whereas my boy creates a sound effect for whatever the toy is (car, plane, train--he even makes noises when he is shooting a basketball or kicking a soccer ball).
When "
Whose Line is it Anyway" was on the air, the cast had a skit they would do where the actors would act out a scene and a couple of audience members would make the sound effects for them--they always picked girls to make the sound effects because it was so funny...
By the way, I love my girls. For the first 6 years of my raising children life, little girl behavior was all I knew...and I am now having a GREAT time discovering little boy behavior--love the boy too!